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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Known Issues

This section describes the known issues associated with Sitecore V5.3.1.

The content of an Image field’s ALT text is not HTML encoded when the Web or XSL Image Control are used. If the provided ALT text contains invalid characters, the generated HTML is not valid.

The Sitecore keep alive agent references the URL “http://localhost/sitecore/keepalive.html” by default. This URL should be changed if the current web site is not accessible using “localhost” as the site’s hostname.

When copying a set of bulleted lists in Microsoft Word and pasting them into a Rich Text field, the Rich Text Editor converts the list into a set of paragraphs.

In some circumstances, Sitecore's default media cache cleanup agent can become corrupted.

Run the Sitecore installation program and proceed to the License File step window. Click the Browse button and select a file. Click the browse button again and select another file. You will see that the name of the previously selected file isn’t cleared and is interlaced with the new one.

When using pipe (|) or caret (^) character in the backend user password, Sitecore client login functionality can be temporary broken. Install the following patch in order to prevent current issue.

The known issues concerning the current version of Package Installation Wizard

Some HTML tags may be collapsed if they contain no content. This can cause rendering issues in some browsers.

The "path" fields in media items are not updated when the media items are moved/renamed.

When deleting an item that is referenced by other items, the “Breaking Link” dialog offers a “remove links” option. If this option is chosen, Sitecore may remove links to other items if they are stored in the same field but other numbered or language versions of the item.

Installing proxy items from a Sitecore package.

RAD Editor converts relative https links to absolute

If you encounter duplicated lines of code or other unexpected changes to the html in the Rich Text Editor please install this patch and follow the additional instructions.

Sitecore does not support multiple publishing targets pointing to the same database.

Various languages contains a few missing translations.

SQLite Data Provider gives a wrong interpretation of Core database.

If working in the Media Library in WebEdit mode, you can not exit properly.

When browsing media folder, thumbnails do not appear for certain images.

The exception called “String or binary data would be truncated” may occurr.

For each placeholder nesting level, init event of controls at a ‘deeper’ level fires after the load event of an ‘upper-level’ control. This issue was fixed in the Sitecore CMS V5.3.2 Rev. 071220

Drag & drop between two Content Editors does not seem to refresh the tree.

The installation program doesn’t control the availability of free disk space during the process of restoring MS SQL 2000 databases from backup files.

If you choose to install Sitecore into existing site for Windows 2003, the root of that site is switched to the installation directory.

Images in HTML fields result in broken link reports

On systems with Chinese regional setting the installation process may terminate with an error message

If you create a scheduled task and provide the item path in the Items field, the appropriate scheduled method will receive an empty item list.

XAML does not work on a website by default in Sitecore 5.3

According to the latest W3C recommendations, extension functions in XSLT rendering should not return null values, otherwise the rendering fails.

Internal links are replaced with "/" if the Home item is renamed or moved.

Grant ASPNET account ‘Full Control’ access to the following registry key manually

When users create Installation Wizard shortcut on the Sitecore desktop, the shortcut’s icon is changed.

There are a few missing dictionary keys

An Attachment field type will work properly only if it is named Blob.

Sitecore does not work in the Safe Mode since IIS is unavailable in such case.